Saturday, October 24, 2009

Use following steps and grow plants indoor

Looking for a little pick-me-up for the winter doldrums? Try growing flowers inside your home. Hyacinths, crocuses and narcissus bulbs all can be grown indoors in soil-less, containers, even when the wind is whipping outside.
To do so, try these two processes. The first is ‘forcing.’ That simply means that the flowers will bloom prior to the time it would naturally bloom outdoors. The second method is hydroculture - growing bulbs without soil in containers. By combining these two processes, flowers can bloom, root and bulb in a glass container.

You Will Need:
1. Glass Rectangular Container or Special Hyacinth Jars – Hyacinth jars allow the bulb to rest at the top of the jar while the roots trail below into the water.
2. Activated Charcoal Chips (opt.) – help keep the water acidic and prevents algae growth.
3. Pebbles or Marbles – serve as bedding material to hold the bulbs in place and to house the root system.
4. Flowering Bulbs – any of following: hyacinths, crocuses, or narcissi.
5. Soluble Plant Food & Water – encourages plant growth
6. Paper Shopping Bag – to cover bulbs and container during the cool, dormancy stage.
Planting Hyacinths and Crocuses in Hyacinth Jars (in water only):If you have special hyacinth jars you can grow hyacinths and crocuses in water alone as the hyacinth jar is designed to keep the bulb upright.
1. Simply fill the glasses with enough water to barely touch the base of the bulb as it rests in the container.2. Add a small piece of activated charcoal to the water in the glass container to prevent algae growth.3. Cover the bulb and container with a paper bag. Place the planted container in a cool, dark place around 55°F. Leave until roots have developed and the top growth has begun. 4. Check water after three weeks. Add water as needed, keeping the water level just below the bottom of the bulb.5. Bring the planted container out of the cool, dark room and place it where it can receive light to continue the growth and blooming process.

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