Monday, March 1, 2010

How to Entice and Seduce a Woman - 3 Tips to Make Her Want You

Being able to entice and seduce a woman is something that every man at some point in their life would like to be able to do. And yet, most average guys will not even come close to being able to gain the skills to seduce a woman that they REALLY want to desire. You have to be able to look at a woman that you find to be attractive and sexy and KNOW that you can walk up to her, say a few things, and make her want you like she wants no other man.

Does this all sound like it might be TOO GOOD to be true?

Probably it does, but it does not have to be. You see, most guys are unwilling to break out of their shells and take the approach that they CAN attract and seduce just about any woman that they want. You don't want to think like this, unless you are okay with going home alone and not with an attractive woman instead.

How can you turn things around and attract and seduce any woman that you want and make HER want YOU?

1. Your mindset is REALLY important.

Why is this so important? Because you have to allow yourself to start to really accept the idea that you are going to be able to get somewhere with her, no matter how attractive that she might be. Most guys defeat themselves by thinking that they have to possess some magical skill or some magical ability to seduce a woman. And that is not really the case at all.

2. You have to know how to flirt with her to build sexual attraction with a woman.

If you cannot flirt with a woman in a way that not many other guys do, then you probably are not going to create much desire within her. you are going to appear to be just like any other guy that is out there and then, the only thing that she can judge you on is the superficial things. You have to be able to flirt with a woman in a way that SPARKS sexual attraction with her.

3. You have to know what she is sexually attracted to.

If you know what it is that drives a woman, and makes her sexually attracted to a man, then you can easily win her over. Your ability to seduce and attract a woman all comes down to how well that you can read a woman and tell what she is attracted to. This cuts down on all of the guess work and makes everything easier on YOU.

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