Monday, March 1, 2010

How your limiting beliefs affect your wealth and happiness

We all have two things in common. One: the wish for happiness in whatever form that may take. And two: Limiting Belief.
There are many forms that your goal may take - the attainment of great personal wealth, for example, or true satisfaction in a relationship. Each definition of happiness is unique and specific to the individual; yours, as I'm sure you will agree, are unlikely to resemble mine. But the second commonality is the one which prevents us from achieving these dreams - an expectation of failure or Limiting Belief.

The search for happiness has spawned an entire industry devoted to showing us - for a price - how to achieve success and what we need to do to reach our personal goals. The existence of Limiting Belief is less widely documented, and yet it is arguably the most important factor to consider when aiming for your interpretation of happiness.

Take the example of elephants in Indonesia. They are tied up when they are young, and learn that they can’t break the rope. It’s been known that even where there’s been a fire in the barn where they are kept they do not break to the rope to flee - even though as fully grown elephants they could easily pull half of the barn with them to escape the flames.

Thanks to our naturally occurring Limited Belief, during our pursuit of happiness many of us get lost along the way, seeming to be able to only get so far before our expectation of failure or LIMITING BELIEF stops our journey.

Limiting Belief is insidious: you can only get so far before your subconscious puts on the brakes, insists you've gone as far as you can and then leaves you idling, far short of your oh-so-achievable dream. For example; have you ever felt like you were really working hard and yet not making any progress? Or even as if you were losing the things that make you happy as you advance towards your goal?

Limiting Belief: “I don’t have the time”

Reality: There are 168 hours in the week, but how many of those hours do you spend REALLY working towards things that will make you happy in the long term?

Example: If you spent 1 hour a week working with a very specific goal in mind, that’s 520 hours spend on your personal development and skills over the next 10 years. Everybody needs to figure out the best way for them to WORK SMART - and just like your goal, it will be completely individual.

Remember: one hour of tailored activity a week is an investment in your future.

The simple truth is that when people say "I don't have time" they are actually saying "I don't want to because…" I'm scared?, I don't deserve this?, or I'm not sure I can do it? and their subconscious is actively preventing them from taking the final steps to success.

Limiting Belief: "I'm can't work hard enough to make the money I want to make."

Reality: Consider whether a stock market trader who earns $10 million dollars a year really works a hundred, or a thousand times harder then you? I doubt it… there simply wouldn't be enough hours in the day.

Example: A tennis pro can only train for 30, 40 or at very most 50 hours a week before their body has had enough. Everybody needs to know when to stop; rest is just as important as productivity and FAITH in your abilities is paramount to your success.

Remember: down time is not wasted time and you have to have FAITH.

So in order to beat Limiting Belief you have to WORK SMART, have FAITH and CARRY ON. Then you WILL reach your dream of happiness.

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