For anyone that is looking for a strong bag, that is also unique the sailcloth bags may be just what you want. The 360 degree bags are designed to last because they are made from recycled sails. This is really strong material that was once on ships that navigated the seas.
Each bag will have a tag included on it that tells you exactly what sea it sailed on, the type of boat that the sail is from, and what type of sail it once was. Having a bag made from strong recycled sails means it will last, but having this information included gives it a more unique quality.
For each of the bags that have been made they are all cleaned really well and were even bleached. Everyone knows that sails are made to be tough and water resistant and that is why these bags will last for a long time.
You do not have to worry about them wearing out easily and dumping your things on the ground because with this particular bag that just will not happen. These bags are perfect for taking just about anywhere you go, but especially to the beach where they are likely to get wet.
With the material they are made from water will not be a problem for them. Another advantage to these great bags is they are machine washable so no matter where you take them you can be sure it will be easy to get them looking like new again.
The way they have been designed they are made for carrying any of your belongings like your laptop or books while protecting them from Mother Nature. There are even inside zippered pockets that ensure your small things such as your phone or sunscreen will not be lost or damaged.
What ensures these bags are made to last, and that they will protect any belonging you place in them, is the triple stitching along with the edges and thick nylon straps. There are two different styles that you can choose from:
1. The tender bag. This bag is around 14 inches x 18 inches and unfolded it is 18 inches x 18 inches. For smaller belongings it also has 4 zipper pouches on the inside of the bag. These bags are great for everyday use or anywhere you need to take them.
2. The beach bag. This bag is just what it sounds like. It is made to make taking your belongings to the beach easier without ruining any of them. You can use them for other things such as shopping if you do not live by a beach because the dimensions are 22 inches wide and 25 inches tall.
Now that you know about these sailcloth bags you can see why they are unique and are great for anyone to use daily. If you are looking for a bag that is different than others you have seen then the 360 degree bag is one you definitely need to check out more for yourself.
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