Thinking back over my last several years on this occasion of my birthday, I am filled with thankfulness for all of my associates and friends who have allowed me to realize my own dreams when I get to share about success and happiness with you. I am filled with gratitued that you are a part of my life.
You are all aware of how passionate I feel about my life. I truly am. It's been such a fun, fulfilling proposition, that I can't help but be excited and filled with joy about the growing I have done over my past - some of which were arduous tests - and about the future, where I'm sure I'll be encouraged by Life Itself to stretch a bit more. Here I am, about to complete yet another trip around the sun, and I've decided to share with you some of the ways I've learned to love my own life so that you can add more love to yours. So let's get to it!
I am the master of my life and you are the master of your own. Each of us is a stand-alone, human being. We have full ability to decide how our lives will be for ourselves and we can take the steps to get us to the next wonderful idea from where we are now standing.
My individuality make me uniquely Maria Khalifé and your individuality makes you uniquely you. There isn't another me. There isn't another you. Your uniqueness deserves tenderness and loving, because you cannot be replaced and your vote is important.
Accentuate the positive; Eliminate the negative. I have survived wars. I could think a lot about "war-torn," but I chose to focus on "lived through." Can you see that it is my attitude that is governing my life? It's your attitude that governs yours, too.
I forgive myself for my mistakes. Yes, I have achieved some success. Do you think I didn't make mistakes along the way? Sure, but I immediately resolved to do something better when I saw the mistake. "Ease on down the road" right after you forgive yourself and one happy, light-hearted manner of living. And it works!
Don't hesitate to say "I'm sorry." When I know I've said or done something that may have hurt another, I try to say I'm sorry as quickly as I can. I want to continue to accelerate in my life, and having heavy baggage to drag won't make it at all easy. "I'm sorry" unloads unnecessary baggage right away and it's a good idea. Who do you need to say this to?
I am Love Itself. You are Love Itself. I believe that each of us was created from Goodness Itself, from Pure Love. I know it is there. I have gone inside of myself and embraced it in friendship. You have love inside you. It just requires your acknowledgement in order for it to be active in your life.
There's a Good Reason for Everything. And here's the reason: to teach me something about myself. Every single event in my life has been about either learning something I needed to learn, or about patting myself on the back because I already knew that. It brings me a lot of peace, this idea. If you could think about developing the habit of looking for life's lesson for you tucked into your experiences, you'll soon be learning them or congratulating yourself for your own accomplishments.
There are no dead end streets. There's a saying that when God closes a door, he opens a window somewhere. I like to think that there are no un-solvable problems in life, only in math. And I'll bet even math's unsolvable problems get resolved some day with greater understanding. That's all a solution demands: more understanding. I like looking for the next best solution.
I trust me implicitly. Inside me (and inside you) is what I like to call your Inner Coach. Once I found my way inside me, I could ask her any question and she would answer me. It made my life so much more stable. And then I had to learn to completely trust her answers and do what she recommended. It's one of the secrets of success, trusting your Inner Coach.
I love my life and I love my body. One of the coolest things I've learned is that my body is a direct reflection of how I think about myself, so what is there not to love? If I am the one who envisioned it and it showed forth in front of me to allow me to see what it was I was thinking (ha ha - yet another of the Universe's little clues for learning), well, of course I'd love it. I know that I am consciously working with all the tools provided and I am absolutely happiness itself about my life and my business success
I'm experiencing such gratitude right now - being consciously aware can do that to me - that I feel as if I need to stop and do my happy dance!
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