Saturday, February 13, 2010

Easy Money Online - A Persistent Idea.

Easy money online? Yes, it exists. But it isn't big money. At first.

There are lots of online survey jobs, and fulfillment jobs, and the like, but they are more like having a job rather than working at marketing online.

Easy marketing online is where the money is. But when you start one of those other online jobs you can make a little bit but you'll NEVER have a big day.

And it's the BIG days that keep us coming back.

It has been my experience that the big days are every bit as easy as little days. In fact, it might even be easier, because it's so much fun that the time goes by quickly, and everyone is in a good mood.

Would you like to know what easy money online is? It's money that you earned with almost no effort!

But...there were a bunch of times back there when you worked all day and made nothing.

Nothing, that is, except that you are making progress toward the day when you'll start seeing some sales.

But, when that working for nothing bit ends, it doesn't come back.

There's a momentum and process thing going here, just as there is in all sales.

In so many ways easy money online is like any sales gig. You learn about your product. You get some better clothes. You meet people. You present what you have to sell and take an order or two.

Pretty soon, if you have been learning your craft and analyzing what works, you start to develop a consistency. And you have some big days.

But the big day we are talking about here is what keeps us coming back. It happens when you finally get to the top of Page One at Google for your money keyword and the traffic starts to roll in.

Page One On Google is the fast track to easy money online!

That's because it's easy to find an offer. And it's easy to get it up on the web. All those things are easy once you have done it a few times.

But getting traffic is different. And especially the kind of traffic we want. We want special traffic. The buying kind.

I want FREE Google traffic that comes from a keyword that I picked and that was very relevant to my offer, which indicates that the person typing in that keyword WANTS what I have to offer!

That's the kind of sales scene you want! And that's the way most of the big time marketers do it. For them it's either keyword traffic from organic results or sponsored results (cpc), or it's from their list.

Whatever way they are doing it, they are getting the kind of traffic we all want. And making sales!

Targeted web site traffic. People who showed, in one way or another, an interest in your offer.

The online formula for success is.... Offer + Targeted Traffic = Sales.

It's a real formula and the two things on the left side of the equation equal the sales on the right side, and... Bingo! You got it!

That's how the pro's do it and it's one of the ways you can count on and do it for yourself.

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