Friday, February 12, 2010

How to Identify the Various Types of Depression

Depression is a condition of the mind that has a wide range of symptoms. As such it is very easy to miss the signs of depression and it goes untreated in many cases.

Are you depressed?

The key to getting help with your problem is education. Once you better understand your problem you will know what you need to do to cope and improve.

Depression is characterized by negative emotions such as low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness. It can cause you to sleep more that is normal and can also induce mood swings.

You can be extremely buoyant one week and heavily depressed the next. These are just a few of the symptoms that may indicate depression.

Types of depression:

Unipolar depression:

This is the most common form and is indicated by all the major symptoms. This form of depression will usually last for around six months and falls under the clinical depression classification.

Bipolar depressive disorder:

Bipolar depressive disorder is also known as manic-depressive disorder. The manic depressive alternates between feelings of intense happiness and deep depression.

Bipolar depression is chronic and treatment lasts a lifetime. Many famous people have been diagnosed with this type of depression, and it has not kept them from enjoying a normal life with proper medication and management. Symptoms of manic depression include:

Grandiose and inflated sense of self-esteem and feelings of invincibility. A reduced need for sleep. Extremely talkative and very rapid speech. Racing thoughts, and increased physical activity, can't be still, and heightened need to set goals and take action. Impulsive, thrill seeking with reckless sexuality. Overspending, or irrational schemes with no regard to consequences


This depression is a more mild version that will last for two years or longer. Throughout its course, there can be more major episodes of depression.

Atypical Depression: Is most often seen in women and is characterized by eating too much, sleeping for long periods, panic attacks, and very sensitive emotionally.

Psychotic Depression: This is a more severe case in which delusions will be experienced and you may see visions or hear voices.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Is a cyclical depression related to the changing seasons, usually occurring in the winter. It is thought to be connected to the reduction of light during this time of the year. The person diagnosed with this type of depression does not have these symptoms during other times of the year.

Common symptoms of depression include:

- Easily agitated.

- Large appetite changes causing either loss or gain of weight.

- Difficulty concentrating.

- Flat affect - No facial expressions.

- Excessive tiredness.

- Feelings of hopelessness, loss of self worth and helplessness.

- Feelings of self-hate, and inappropriate guilt.

- Withdrawal from life's daily activities that were previously enjoyed.

- Thoughts of death or suicide.

- Insomnia.

- Oversleeping.

- Reduced libido.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of depression or think you may be depressed, contact your doctor immediately for consultation and testing for depression.

If you are diagnosed as being depressed, please know that there is help waiting. With proper medication and therapy you can be on the road to healing and enjoy life again.

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