Sunday, February 14, 2010

Increase Natural Lighting in Offices

There is nothing more pleasant than working outdoors on a nice day. However, most of us do not have that option, so how can we make our indoor place of work a more pleasant place to be in?

There are several ways to improve our work environment and one of those is to install skylights or sun tubes. A lot depends upon the building and whether or not it is suitable to have skylights or sun tubes installed, but assuming that it is suitable and that it is possible, there are many options available as to what sort, what size, positioning and the type of finish.

Sun Tubes

If you are not on the upper floor, you can still have natural light in your workplace by using sun tubes. Sun tubes will still allow natural light into the rooms on dull days. The other benefit of sun tubes is that they do not allow rooms to heat up on very hot sunny days and this can be a distinct advantage in an office full of electrical equipment. They simply collect all the available light using specially positioned mirrors inside the suntube, this then being passed down to diffuse into the room. This type of natural lighting is welll suited for use in windowless rooms, corridors, bathrooms, stairwells and even basement car parks.

Skylights for Top Floor Offices

Offices on the top floor can have a large choice of what type of skylight they have, depending upon the suitability of the roof to accommodate skylights and how much light they wish to have. Care must be taken in choosing skylights as upper floors can become very hot during warm sunny weather. However, there are special films and finishes that can reduce the amount of heat and also, there are skylights which can open to allow heat to escape.

When to Install Skylights

The best time to install skylights is during construction of the building, however unless you are lucky enough to be getting a new building, this will not be possible, so expert advice should be sought to help you decide what type of skylights would be best for your building, what you are hoping to achieve from them and what constraints there are. Your expert will also be able to tell you whether there are any planning stipulations with the district planning committee that you need to be aware of before you begin.

The Benefits of Increased Natural Light

The benefits of increasing natural lighting are well documented and not only does it improve productivity, but it has health benefits too particularly during winter months in temperate zones when the days become shorter and the availability of natural light is much decreased. People living and working in these areas can become affected by seasonal affective disorder or SAD, which can lead to time off work and ill health. The cost of running the office will also be more efficient as less artificial light will be required and so electricity bills will be reduced. So, do consider installing skylights in your workplace as not only will they save you money, but you will improve the ambience of the workplace which will increase productivity and reduce sick days by the workforce.

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