Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dating Advice For Women - Tips on How to Approach Men

It kind of goes against the grain when a woman makes an approach on a guy, rather than the other way around. However, from a man's perspective, it can be quite pleasing to find that a woman is attracted enough that she wants to make an approach, so you shouldn't question whether you should or not. You should. The one thing to really take note of, is, that you MUST approach a man the right way, or else you can easily "scare" him off.

What do I mean by this?

A lot of men are rather shy when it comes to meeting new women. They want to be able to meet and attract women, yet, there is something that holds them back. If you come across as being too aggressive or too forward, you can easily scare him away.

How can and should you approach men as a woman?

1. A slow walk will get his attention.

If you want to make a man feel at ease when you are approaching him, then you want to make sure that you don't approach him too fast. Give him time to take you in, to really have a good look, and kind of prepare himself for your approaching him.

2. Pay careful attention to your body language.

If your body language says the wrong thing to a man, then you can easily give him the wrong impression before you have even given yourself a chance to talk to him. Your body language should appear warm and inviting and make him feel less nervous as you move towards him.

3. Don't be afraid to start the conversation.

As long as you have the ability to approach a man, then you should also be able to start the conversation off. It doesn't have to be a complex conversation, just enough to get things started will more than do the trick. Just make sure that you are not talking too fast or anything like that.

4. Be a bit seductive.

If you want to drive him wild, if you want to get his mind racing, then you want to be a little bit seductive in the way that you approach him. You want to make sure that not only do you attract his attention, but, you also want to make sure that his mind gets stuck on you. If you can do this, then you can have him all to yourself.

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