Thursday, February 25, 2010

MLM Not Working? Learn the 'Attraction Marketing' Way!

Need To Understand Attraction Marketing? Here Are Four Tips That Will Help You To Succeed!

1. Decide who you are pitching your marketing at.

If you are struggling in MLM, or Internet Marketing, Attraction Marketing could well provide you with the answers you are looking for. This powerful form of marketing demonstrates how to attract worthy leads for your business.
Take note though, if you decide to utilise this strategy, it's important, and absolutely fundamental, that you clearly know the types of people that you are endeavouring to attract. Consider these points.

What problems might your leads be having right now?

What strategies might you use to address these?

What solutions could you possibly offer them?

You see, before you can hope to have prospects coming to you, you will have to have worked hard to understand and perhaps even solve any issues that your prospects might have.

As an example, supposing you wanted to sell educational material in your business. What kinds of people might you hope to target? Some of you might say teachers, and to an extent you would be correct. Teachers are always on the hunt for newer and better material. They're suckers for anything flashy that might solve a problem!

However, if you think about it, you really have to cast your net much wider if you want your share of the proverbial pie! Could these people be prospects perhaps?

Parents whose children are struggling with the basics at school. They need help. They are looking to you for solutions.

And then there is another brand of parent, some might say, the lucky ones. They are the parents whose children have been considered to be gifted and talented. That is a completely different audience and you need to show, not only that you are catering for them, but that you understand their dilemma and can provide a solution for them. And yes, there is a dilemma in being gifted!

Consider also the growing number of parents whose children have medical problems, - autism, diabetes, attention deficit disorders, to name a few. There are so many emerging problems. Will you be ready to understand their needs? Can you assure parents that they too will be catered for? Hope so! Your business depends on it. They need to trust you.

Don't forget that your ongoing customers need to be included and supported.

2. Consider this question. Why might YOU be the most important factor in Attraction Marketing?

Before you can have any possibility of success in Attraction Marketing, it's really vitally important that you have a strong and clear understanding of what it is that you are actually selling. We are all aware of the competition on the Internet. Therefore before you can actually market anything, you first have to get customers to engage with and trust, YOU. That's right. The reality is that your success has much less to do with the physical products that you are selling, than with the relationship you are building. First and foremost your customers have to trust you.

The old MLM and Network Marketing ways are gone! More credible ways, value-added lead capturing, and the Internet, have taken their rightful place online.

With 'Attraction Marketing', if you work effectively to sell yourself, your prospects will form a relationship, a trusting relationship where they will line up to buy from you. Let's face it. Anyone who has spent days, weeks even, pounding the pavements in rain, hail or shine, delivering pamphlets, knows that this method simply doesn't work. The percentage rate of conversions is dismally, and pathetically low, and hardly worthy of the expense incurred or the time spent delivering. There has to be a better way, a way where your prospects have faith in you to deliver!

3. Be very sure that you have your perfect target market.

Say goodbye to cold calling, warm marketing, and pamphlet delivery. Work towards providing value to your customers so that they come to you, convinced that they want to buy!

It stands to reason then, that people who have already tried and understood Network Marketing would be a suitable market for your business. They are an already-convinced sale!

Your next group might be people who are looking for an online business. Knowing exactly how to use Attraction Marketing techniques will enable you to comvince them of your business plan.

And your last group might be those who just need to make some cash but are not clear about how they might do this!

4. Determine their needs and deliver!

Bear in mind what your target markets comprises.

People who are already convinced of and have used Network Marketing. previously.

People who know something about your company and want to get in and position themselves with the optimal up-line. Can't blame them for that!

Those who want and need to make money but aren't sure how to go about the process.

Always be mindful of what each of their needs might be. Be intent on delivering to them. These are needy, hungry people, and your job is to work towards ensuring that their needs are met.

You know it doesn't take a Rhodes Scholar to work out needs. You will often find that many of these people have already spent money on businesses trying to make money. Their need is to find a better way. Yours is to show them that better way.

Almost all of them will have forked out incredible amounts of cash on leads that lead them nowhere. Convince them pf a much less expensive way that will afford them a better class of leads, that is, Attraction Marketing! Be their inspiration. Be part of their plan for success!

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