Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is it all about blooming gold

When Europeans have seen orchids for the first time, they said «beautiful and mysterious». And in fact, orchids are the most beautiful flowers in the world. Maybe that`s why Spanish navigators of the XV century had brought orchids in Europe, despite they were completely absorbed by searching the gold.
Just think: orchid`s boom erupted in the Old World three centuries ago! The demand for exotic flowers increased sharply, so the enterprising adventurers searched for new types of orchids in the most inaccessible, wet jungles of Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. A lot of them died from dengue fever or bites of poisonous snakes... But those who managed to return, had brought a few roots of this legendary plant. So, orchid became a flower for the aristocracy.
A lot of traditions connected with this flower. For example, in New Guinea men were afraid to rest near the blooming orchids as they believed that the flower could turn into a beautiful but evil woman. An ancient Chinese source indicates the orchid is indispensable thing in the exile evil spirits.
In addition, some people still believe that cleaning a house by orchid broom immediately after the death of a family member helps to save family from death in the near future. In Norway people placed orchid tubers under the threshold to protect the house from evil eye. European travelers and hunters put orchid seeds into pockets. ?nd in India people still believe that a necklace or belt from dried stalks of orchids helps from the bite of poisonous snakes.
Today, some orchids are among the most valuable plants in the international market of flowers. And now you can even order delivery these extraordinary flowers to Russia! Orchids give a bouquet of fine exotic flowers that is able to give elegance and sophistication to any interior because they are distinguished by great diversity in color, flower form, size and wealth smell.

Besides, orchids are not hard to grow. They just need water, fertilizer, light and air. And nothing more. They adapt well to the environment of the average home and if you can grow orchids even at home. Most popular types of orchids are the Cattleyas, Dendrobiums, Oncidiums, Oncidium Related, and Phalaenopsis. Some of them bloom once a year, others bloom several times a year and some even bloom continuously.
Orchid is a flower-aristocrat, a miracle of nature, it always surprises us. Orchid`s shapes, excellent flavor, captivating richness of color are so unusual. There is hardly a man who can remain indifferent to the orchids.

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