Friday, February 26, 2010

Milk Calories, Cancer And Loads Of Body Fat

Getting your fill of milk calories?

If the answer is yes, then this will be the most important article you'll ever read.

Here's why. I'm going to share with you exactly three reasons why the milk you drink is making you fatter and sicker by the glass.

So you should pay close attention if you value your body.

* Reason #1:

Cows are NOT small animals.

Their milk is specially formulated to turn a little baby cow into a 500 pound behemoth adult!

And here's the REAL eye opener...

Most milk contains traces of growth hormone (man made) used to make the beast produce more milk!

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this pound producing concoction is pretty capable of packing on some serious weight!

* Reason #2:

Virtually all milk you purchase at the store is pasteurized and homogenized (man-made).

While many would claim that these "treatments" are safe... They are certainly NOT.

Homogenization and other chemical treatments destroy nutrient content and add poisons to every glass of milk you drink. Poisons that studies have shown cause obesity and cancer.

And did you know?...

There are some very wise people who believe that the dairy on your supermarket shelves shouldn't even be called food! (I'll let you do your own research here.)

* Reason #3:

The calcium myth.

It's among the biggest lies ever told.

The U.S drinks more milk calories than perhaps any other country. So why do we have among the highest rates of osteoporosis?

Truth is, certain societies have NEVER touched milk in their lives and yet the disease is virtually non-existent!

Bottom line...

You do NOT need milk for calcium. (Green leafy vegetables are a far better choice.)

In fact, there have been some studies that have shown dairy products to actually leach calcium from the human body! Of course, this is NOT hard to believe when the shear amount of chemical toxins (man-made) found in milk is considered.

Once again, I am just a messenger here.

You are free to draw your own conclusions about milk calories and all other dairy.

And I will point out the fact that this article is NOT designed to be a "knock" against milk. After all, I firmly believe that milk calories in their purest form are quite healthy to drink (I'm not the only one).

No. This is more of a knock against the refinement process. Against heavily processed food in general.

Leave it up to man to find a way to turn a perfectly healthy drink into a disease producing concoction.

Just food for thought.

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