Friday, February 26, 2010

What You Focus on Is What You Get for Women

Do you ever feel totally stuck in your current situation? Would you like to know what you can do to change your abundance levels.

Focusing on your money and making it work for you is more effective than letting it happen. You can change your energy around money. One rule is to start putting money away for yourself so you can treat yourself occasionally so you don't feel deprived. When we feel deprived, we then lose it and go out and splurge. If we honor that we deserve something, it is better. When she focused on the positive instead of worrying about the negative - how am I going to pay all these bills - things started to turn around for her. Have you heard the saying "Always pay yourself first"? Maybe that's because you worked hard for it, you earned it, and if you always live in fear and negativity about money, you'll never enjoy it. What if you put aside $5 a week to buy yourself something at the end of the month - a splurge. Then that grows to $8 a month, etc. But how much are you going to enjoy that splurge when you spend that money on yourself with no guilt. It is important to put money into a savings plan for your future - part of the "paying yourself first" plan. Don't put money away after everything else is paid because there won't be anything left. Put money away at the beginning of the pay period - you find you'll make it just the same.

Figure out different ways to create new money funnels. Don't just think about your "job." You can't always count on your employer and a raise - that's usually not much these days. Yes, you could ask for a raise or promotion you think you deserve, but I was thinking of other means of income. Loral Langemeier calls them cash machines. What else can you do to make more money on the side. Put that thought in your head and you will find an answer. Is it babysitting 1 day a weekend? Is it another part-time job for Christmas? What can you do while staying home with the children?

Can you work online? Places like e-lance, etc. have people looking for writers, etc.

What does this addition of OMI - other means of income - do for you?

Well, it changes the money flow. It helps you get unstuck. It allows you to realize you have some control over your situation - rather than

Saying " I don't know what else to do" you start asking questions and saying "This isn't working for me. What can I do differently. How do I bring in new income?" A shift in your thinking can change your life.

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